Broken Heart Cell Begins to Heal
“Broken Heart Cell Begins to Heal” was inspired by Tyre Nichols’ mother. The heart cell is both encapsulated and penetrated by healing energetic yellow light while at the same time the medicine of tears, oygen, and corpuscles is helping the broken heart cell to mend also. The visual for this piece spiritually appeared to me when I saw Tyre's mother speaking at a press conference after his brutal death -- she spoke with so much grace and poise -- and she urged Memphis and the country that any protest in her son's name must be peaceful. At that moment I saw the yellow light, like a bolt of electricity, penetrating her heart, and I felt that I had to try to draw it in my “cellular” style.
So “Broken Heart Cell Begins to Heal” is for anyone who suddenly, or at some critical juncture, reaches that moment when you let the light into your darkest despair and you decide that somehow you will work wth it in order to integrate your grief and sorrow and move forward.