Primordial monoliths
I've been wanting to explore some different shapes for a long time. I decided to just do some free form/eyes-closed drawing to get some big shapes out. When I did that I felt that what I was seeing was "primordial" & "monolithic" so that is how my series of monoliths got started.
As I drew & painted I saw how I was relating these two concepts together -- taking our cellular make-up (my imagined "artistic" view of it) which is the primordial aspect of the imagery -- all the little cells, threads & structures in our biology in its earliest stage of our human development -- and blending all that with the concept of a large, single, upright block of stone that serves as a personal pillar -- or, monolith -- for our lives. Of course I do all this in my "cellular" style of making art.
The combined imagery is a symbol of our strength, empowerment, healing and repair, resilience, and survival as individuals on our life's journey of emotionality.
I hope that ultimately both the shape & interior details of each Primordial Monolith -- as a personal icon -- convey that we are eternal beings.
Currently there are 8 monoliths in the series.